Multiplicity dependence of symmetric cumulants and normalized symmetric cumulants in pp collisions

Scope: PWG
PWG-CF (Flow and Correlations)
5.02 TeV
13 TeV
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Figure Caption

Multiplicity dependence of symmetric cumulants SC(3,2), SC(4,2) and normalized ratio SC(m,n)/<vm^2><vn^2> for pp collisions. Statistical uncertainties are shown as vertical lines and systematic uncertainties as boxes. The observables are measured using multiparticle correlation, with the three-subevent method for the four-particle cumulants. The three-subvent method uses the configuration 3,2|-2|-3 + s.c. and 4,2|-2|-3  with least non-flow. The 3,2|-2|-3 + s.c. represents two particle associated with flow harmonic coefficient of 3 and 2 selected from one side, one particle associated with flow harmonic coefficient of -2 selected from middle, and another particle associated with flow harmonic coefficient of -3 from the other side of the \eta region. The 4|-2|-2 + s.c. is similar. Tthe v2{2} is calculated with |\Delta\eta| > 1.4 and v3{2},v4{2} are calculated with |\Delta\eta| > 1.0. Data are compared with PYTHIA 8 simulations and impact-parameter-Glasma, MUSIC, and ultra relativistic quantum molecular dynamics (IP-Glasma+MUSIC+UrQMD) calculations. The width of the band represents the statistical uncertainty of the model.  The measurement in PbPb collisions (PRL123(2019)142301) are also draw in the same plots for comparison. 

Detail description

Keywords: symmetric cumulants

The three-subvent method uses the configuration 3,2|-2|-3 + s.c. and 4,2|-2|-3  with least non-flow. The 3,2|-2|-3 + s.c. represents two particle associated with flow harmonic coefficient of 3 and 2 selected from one side, one particle associated with flow harmonic coefficient of -2 selected from middle, and another particle associated with flow harmonic coefficient of -3 from the other side of the \eta region. The 4|-2|-2 + s.c. is similar. Tthe v2{2} is calculated with |\Delta\eta| > 1.4 and v3{2},v4{2} are calculated with |\Delta\eta| > 1.0.


pp sample: all pp sample of LHC16, LHC17, LHC18.

Reco pass: pp pass1