Multiplicity dependence of vn{m} in pp collisions

Scope: PWG
PWG-CF (Flow and Correlations)
13 TeV
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Figure Caption

Multiplicity dependence of vn{m} for pp collisions. Statistical uncertainties are shown as vertical lines and systematic uncertainties as boxes. Data are compared with PYTHIA 8 simulations and impact-parameter-Glasma, MUSIC, and ultra relativistic quantum molecular dynamics (IP-Glasma+MUSIC+UrQMD) calculations. The width of the band represents the statistical uncertainty of the model. The v2{2}, v3{3} and v4{2} are measured using two-particle cumulants with a pseudorapidity separation |\delta\eta| > 1.4, 1.0 and 1.0, respectively. v2{4} is measured using multiparticle cumulants, with the three-subevent method for the four-particle cumulant. The three-subvent method uses the configuration 2,2|-2|-2 + s.c.  with least non-flow, i.e. two particles selected from one side, one particle from middle and another particle from the other side of the \eta region. The measurement in PbPb collisions (PRL123(2019)142301) are also draw in the same plots for comparison. 

Detail description

Keywords: flow harmonics coefficients, v2{2}, v3{2}, v4{2}, v2{4}.

The v2{2}, v3{3} and v4{2} are measured using two-particle cumulants with a pseudorapidity separation |\delta\eta| > 1.4, 1.0 and 1.0, respectively. v2{4} is measured using multiparticle cumulants, with the three-subevent method for the four-particle cumulant. The three-subvent method uses the configuration 2,2|-2|-2 + s.c.  with least non-flow, i.e. two particles selected from one side, one particle from middle and another particle from the other side of the \eta region.

Sample: all pp sample of LHC16, LHC17, LHC18

Reco pass: pass1