Dijet invariant mass spectrum with background subtracted, fluctuations corrected, and detector effects unfolded. Systematic effects have been estimated for pp, p-Pb and the nuclear modification factor.
Dijet invariant mass has been measured with leading and subleading jets over 20 GeV, and requiring the azimuthal angle between the leading and subleading jet to be over pi/2. Background has been subtracted using 4-momentum background subtraction, and the background was estimated using the CMS-like method with C-factor for accounting the empty areas of the detector. Unfolding was done with Bayesian iterative method, with 3 iterations for both pp and p-Pb. Unfolding included background fluctuations and detector effects. The main source of systematic is the tracking uncertainty, and a small contribution from unfolding systematics, with additional 10% systematic for pp because of analysis discrepancies. All systematics are summed squarely and taken the root. The data used is LHC17q,p pass1, fast and cent woSSD for pp, and LHC16q,t pass1, fast and cent woSSD for p-Pb. Anchored MC is LHC18b8 for pp and LHC17h6f2 and LHC17h6e2 for p-Pb, all of which are jet-jet productions.