Background fluctuations measured from the ALICE p-Pb data at 5.02 TeV, uncorrected for detector effects.
Fluctuations are calculated using a rotated cone system. Both leading and subleading jet form a rotated cone of 90 degrees from the jet axis in the azimuthal angle. The cones are used to calculate a local transverse momentum density in the cone. Then the local density is used to subtract background from leading and subleading jets respectively. A dijet invariant mass is calculated using the event mean density and with the local density and these are compared by subtracting to form the background fluctuation histogram. Data sample used is LHC16q,t pass1, fast and cent woSSD. Event selection is done with AliEventCut. The peak near zero is fitted with an asymmetric generalized gaussian. It is defined so that the left side and right side can have different widths and powers in the exponent.