Scope: PWG
PWG-EM (Electromagnetic probes)
5.02 TeV
Figure Group
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Figure Caption
Compilation of measurements of the $\omega$/\piz ratio (left) in \pp collisions at various center-of-mass energies covering 0.062~$$~\s~(\TeV)~$$~13 at the ISR~, PHENIX~ and \acs{ALICE}~, including the \pp measurement presented herein. Vertical error bars represent total uncertainties, high-\pt data points at \thirteen up to \pt~=~50~\GeVc are omitted here for better visibility. The right-hand side displays values obtained from parametrizations of the $\omega/\piz$ ratios above \pt~$>$~4~\GeVc, as well as predictions of this high-\pt constant for different lower bounds using \Pythia~.
Detail description
Figure extracted from paper