Scope: PWG
PWG-HF (Heavy Flavour)
5.02 TeV
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Figure Caption
Left: \xicz/\DZero ratio as a function of \pt in \pPb collisions at \fivenn and in pp collisions at \five~ compared to QCM, POWHEG + PYTHIA 6, and PYTHIA~8 Angantyr predictions. Right: \xicz/\lambdac ratio as a function of \pt in \pPb collisions at \fivenn and in \pp collisions at \thirteen~ compared to QCM, POWHEG + PYTHIA 6, and PYTHIA~8 Angantyr calculations. The BR uncertainties for the \Lc are evaluated as the weighted average on the two decay channels~ and are included in the systematic uncertainty box for each \pt bin.
Detail description
Figure extracted from paper