Figure 6

Scope: PWG
PWG-CF (Flow and Correlations)
5.02 TeV
Figure Image
Figure Caption

The per-trigger pair-wise yield ratios $R_{i}^{\Lambda/\text{h}} \equiv Y_{i}^{\text{h--}\Lambda}$/$Y_{i}^{\text{h--h}}$ ($i$ = near-side, away-side, UE) as a function of multiplicity in the lower (left) and higher (right) associated momentum ranges. The statistical (systematic) uncertainties are shown as vertical lines (boxes). Linear fits to the data are given as dashed lines. The ratios predicted by DPMJET are presented as shaded bands, with the width of the band representing the uncertainty of the model. The ratios of the model to the data are also shown as shaded bands in the bottom panels, where the width of the band represents the uncertainty of the ratio.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper