Scope: PWG
PWG-DQ (Dileptons and Quarkonia)
13 TeV
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Figure Caption
Top: Self-normalized yield of $\Upsilon$ as a function of self-normalized charged-particle multiplicity, compared to inclusive J/$\psi$ measured in the forward rapidity region at $\s = 5.02$~TeV~, $7$~TeV~, and $13$~TeV~, and to inclusive J/$\psi$ measured in the central rapidity region at $\s = 13$~TeV~. Bottom: Self-normalized yield ratio of $\Upsilon$(1S)-to-J/$\psi$ as a function of self-normalized charged-particle multiplicity, compared to model computations from 3-pomeron CGC approach~, PYTHIA 8.2~, comovers~, and CPP~ The vertical error bars represent the statistical uncertainty, while the systematic uncertainties on are depicted as boxes.
Detail description
Figure extracted from paper