Figure 1a

Scope: PWG
PWG-DQ (Dileptons and Quarkonia)
13 TeV
Figure Image
Figure Caption

Dimuon invariant mass distribution for low-multiplicity pp collisions, corresponding to the $N_{\mathrm {trk}}^{\mathrm {corr}}$ interval bin $[1, 8]$ (left) and for high-multiplicity pp collisions, corresponding to the $N_{\mathrm {trk}}^{\mathrm {corr}}$ interval bin $[42, 50]$ (right). The $\Upsilon$(1S) peak position and width are fixed to the values obtained in the multiplicity-integrated sample. Significances ($\mathrm{S/\sqrt{S+B}}$) are evaluated in a 3 standard deviation (3$\sigma$) window around the mean value of the peak.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper