Direct-photon cross section (left) and invariant differential yield (right) as a function of \pt in INEL and HM pp collisions, respectively. Statistical and systematic uncertainties of the data are displayed as vertical bars and boxes, respectively. The results in INEL pp collisions are compared to theoretical calculations from~ and~. The results from HM pp data are compared to theoretical calculations for INEL pp collisions scaled by an empirical factor of 4.5--7.5 (for Shen's calculations) and of 7 (for Vogelsang's model), see text for details. The uncertainty for Shen's pQCD calculations (green band) comes from the variation of the scaling factor, whereas the uncertainty of Vogelsang's pQCD results (blue band) is the original model uncertainty scaled by factor 7. The data points are plotted and the ratios are evaluated at the \pt values determined according to the Lafferty--Wyatt prescription~, with the corresponding uncertainties being smaller than the marker size.
Figure extracted from paper