Scope: PWG
PWG-EM (Electromagnetic probes)
Figure Caption
Invariant cross section of $p+p\rightarrow\omega+X$ production at midrapidity in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=\SI{13}{TeV}$ compared to theoretical predictions. The cross section is parametrized using a Levy--Tsallis function (dashed grey line), where the fit parameters are given in Table~\ref{tab:fitparameters}. The systematic uncertainty of the measurement is denoted by boxes, excluding the normalization uncertainty of 2.2\%, which is shown separately as a grey box in the bottom panel of the figure To account for the finite width of each \pt-interval, the data points are shifted according to the underlying spectrum, as described by the fit The red line represents the theoretical prediction obtained using the PYTHIA8.2~ event generator with the Monash 2013 tune~. The width of the line indicates the statistical uncertainty of the prediction. The blue dashed line shows a NLO calculation~ incorporating $\omega$ fragmentation based on a broken SU(3) model, where all scales are chosen to be $\mu=\pt$ and the blue shaded band denotes the scale uncertainty The bottom panel shows the ratio of the data, as well as the theoretical predictions to the Levy--Tsallis parametrization.
Detail description
Figure extracted from paper