Left: beauty-quark production cross section per unit of rapidity at midrapidity as a function of the centre-of-mass energy measured in pp and ${\rm p\overline{p}}$ collisions by the ALICE~ and PHENIX~ Collaborations, and the CDF~ and UA1~ Collaborations. The solid and dashed lines, accompanied by shaded bands, represent the central values and the associated uncertainties predicted by FONLL~ and NNLO~ calculations, respectively. Right: beauty-quark production cross section per unit of (pseudo)rapidity as a function of (pseudo)rapidity measured by the ALICE Collaboration (LHCb Collaboration~). The solid and dashed lines, accompanied by a shaded band, represent the central values and the associated uncertainties predicted by FONLL~ as a function of $y$ and $\eta$, respectively The vertical bars and boxes report the statistical and systematic uncertainties, respectively.
Figure extracted from paper