Measured integrated yields of the (anti)\hyperE ~on the left and the (anti)\hyper ~on the right (average of particle and antiparticle state for each hypernucleus). The x-axis reports the measured mass, which is compared to the world-average values obtained from the Hypernuclei Database~. The horizontal width of the blue and green lines corresponds to the uncertainty of the world-average values. The statistical uncertainties on the measured values are given by the bars and the systematic uncertainties by the boxes around the central values. A comparison is shown between the dN/dy values predicted by the SHM at $T_{\rm ch} = 155$ MeV, considering only the ground state (green line), and those including feed-down contributions from excited states (blue line) for each (anti)hypernucleus~. The shaded areas around the predictions of the SHM correspond to the deviation of the expected yield by a variation of T$_{\mathrm{ch}}$ of 1.5 MeV. The arrows connecting the experimental results and the dN/dy values predicted with the SHM (for $T_{\rm ch} = 155$ MeV) indicate their difference expressed as number of standard deviations using only the experimental uncertainties.
Figure extracted from paper