Figure 1

Scope: PWG
PWG-CF (Flow and Correlations)
5.02 TeV
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Figure Caption

Centrality dependence of the different orders of $\AC_{a,b}(m,n)$ (left) and $\NAC_{a,b}(m,n)$ (right) for four pairs of indices ($a,b$) and three pairs of harmonics ($m,n$) in \PbPb~collisions at \snn~=~5.02~TeV. The mirror combinations of $\AC_{a,b}(m,n)$ (closed markers), i.e., $\AC_{b,a}(m,n)$, are indicated with open markers and similar color scheme. The statistical (systematic) uncertainties are shown with lines (boxes). The data points are shifted horizontally for visibility.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper