Figure 1

Scope: PWG
PWG-LF (Light Flavour Spectra)
5.02 TeV
Figure Image
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Figure Caption

$m^2/z^2$ distribution for ${}^{4}\overline{{\rm He}}$ candidates (green). The background (magenta) is constructed by selecting all candidates outside the \antihe TPC window of 3\,$\sigma$ around the alpha mass hypothesis ($|n\sigma_{\rm TPC}({}^{4}\overline{{\rm He}})| > 3$) and in addition outside the 3\,$\sigma$ window around the deuteron mass hypothesis ($|n\sigma_{\rm TPC}(\overline{{\rm d}})| > 3$). The blue line is an exponential fit to the rise at lower masses originating from ${}^{3}\overline{{\rm He}}$ candidates.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper