Figure 17b

Scope: PWG
PWG-JE (Jets)
5.02 TeV
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Figure Caption

Ratio of \DrecoilpTch\ distributions in \pp\ collisions at $\sqrts=5.02$ TeV using the data from Fig.~???, for $\rr=0.2/\rr=0.4$ (left) and $\rr=0.2/\rr=0.5$ (right), compared to calculations from PYTHIA8 and JETSCAPE. The corresponding ratios of cross sections for inclusive jets are also shown for \pp\ collisions at $\sqrts = 5.02$~\TeV~ and $\sqrts = 13$~\TeV~. The uncertainties in the ratio take into account the correlation of uncertainties between numerator and denominator.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper