Scope: PWG
PWG-JE (Jets)
13 TeV
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Figure Caption
Fully-corrected \Drecoil\ distributions measured in MB and HM-selected events in \pp\ collisions at $\sqrts=13$~TeV. Left panel: \Drecoil(\pTjetch) in $|\dphi-\pi|0.6$; middle and right panels: \Drecoil(\dphi) for $20\pTjetch40$~\gev\ and $40\pTjetch60$~\gev. Also shown are particle-level simulated distributions calculated with PYTHIA 8 Monash tune, and a pQCD calculation at LO with Sudakov broadening~ (MB \Drecoil(\dphi) only). The width of the PYTHIA 8 HM band represents the statistical uncertainty. Top row: \Drecoil\ distributions; middle row: ratio of \Drecoil\ distributions for HM/MB from data; bottom row: Data/PYTHIA 8 separately for MB and HM event selections.
Detail description
Figure extracted from paper