Confidence regions for the relative fraction of direct \KK contribution with respect to the amplitude of $\phi (1020) \rightarrow$ \KK ($|B_{\rm{KK}}/A_{\phi}|$) and the relative phase angle between $\phi(1020)\rightarrow$\KK and direct \KK ($\varphi$). The best fit is shown as a red dot at $|B_{\rm{KK}}/A_{\phi}|=0.28$ \GeVmassSR and $\varphi = $ 0.06 rad found with $\chi^{2}/\rm{ndf_{best\ fit}} = 0.3$, while a pink square at the $|B_{\pi\pi}/A_{\rho}|=0.54\ \pm\ 0.01$\ (stat.)\ $\pm\ 0.02 $\ (syst.) \GeVmassSR~ and relative phase angle $\varphi = 1.46\ \pm\ 0.11$\ (stat.)\ $\pm\ 0.07 $\ (syst.) rad~ indicates the best-fit values for $\rho$ plus direct $\pi^+\pi^-$. The green solid line and blue dashed line represent the boundary of 68\% and 95\% confidence regions, respectively.
Figure extracted from paper