Figure 9

Scope: PWG
PWG-HF (Heavy Flavour)
13 TeV
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Figure Caption

Left: ratios between prompt $\Dzero$, $\Dplus$, $\Dstar$, and $\Ds$ mesons production cross sections in \pp collisions at $\s = 13$~TeV and those in \pp collisions at $\s = 5.02$~TeV~ as a function of $\pt$. Right: ratios between the prompt $\Lambdac$-, $\XicZero$-, and $\XicPlus$-baryon production cross sections in \pp collisions at $\s = 13$~TeV and those in \pp collisions at $\s = 5.02$~TeV~ as a function of $\pt$. Vertical bars (boxes) report the statistical (systematic) uncertainties.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper