Figure 1a

Scope: PWG
PWG-HF (Heavy Flavour)
13 TeV
Figure Image
Figure Caption

Invariant mass or mass-difference distributions of $\Dzero$-meson candidates (top-left), $\Dplus$-meson candidates (top-right), $\Dstar$-meson candidates (bottom-left), $\Ds$-meson candidates (bottom-right), and charge conjugates in $0 \pt 0.5$~GeV$/c$, $0 \pt 1$~GeV$/c$, $1.5 \pt 2.0$~GeV$/c$, and $1 \pt 2$~GeV$/c$, respectively. The blue solid lines show the total fit functions as described in the text and the red dashed lines represent the background. In the case of $\Dzero$, the combinatorial background estimated with the track-rotation technique was subtracted, the red-dashed line is the residual background, and the green line represents the contribution of the reflections. In the case of $\Ds$, the peak at lower invariant mass represents the reconstructed $\Dplus\rightarrow\kap\kam\pip$ signal. The values of the mean ($\mu$) and the peak width ($\sigma$) of the signal peak are reported together with the signal counts (S). The reported uncertainties are only the statistical uncertainties from the fit.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper