Nuclear modification factor of muons from \Wminus (top) and \Wplus (bottom) decays in \PbPb collisions at \fivenn, for muons with $\pt^\mu > 10$ \GeVc and $2.5 y^\mu_{\rm cms} 4.0$, in different centrality intervals (left panels) and for the 0--90\% range (right panels). The centrality-dependent distributions are compared with the dashed curve, corresponding to the HG-PYTHIA~ model scaled with the measured $R_{\rm AA}$ in the 0--90\% centrality interval. The centrality-averaged measurement is compared with CT14+nCTEQ15WZ~ and NNPDF3.1+nNNPDF2.0~ calculations. The horizontal bars indicate the width of the centrality bins, the vertical bars and boxes correspond the statistical and systematic uncertainties on the \PbPb measurement, respectively. The grey boxes indicate the uncertainty on the pp reference cross section.
Figure extracted from paper