Scope: PWG
PWG-HF (Heavy Flavour)
5.02 TeV
Figure Image

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Figure Caption
Top panel: non-prompt $\rm D^0$-meson $\pt$-differential production yields in \PbPb{} collisions at \fivenn{} in the 0--10\% and 30--50\% centrality classes. The pp reference spectra, $\av{T_{\rm AA}}\times{\rm d}\sigma_{\rm pp}/{\rm d}\pt$~, are also shown Middle and bottom panels: $\pT$-differential $\RAA$ in the \cent{0}{10} (middle) and \cent{30}{50} (bottom) centrality classes, compared with model predictions~. Open markers indicate the points for which the pp reference is extrapolated (see text). Vertical bars, empty boxes, and the shaded box around $\RAA=1$ represent the statistical, systematic, and normalisation uncertainty, respectively.
Detail description
Figure extracted from paper