Figure 1b

Scope: PWG
PWG-HF (Heavy Flavour)
5.02 TeV
Figure Image
Figure Caption

Invariant-mass distributions for $\rm D^0$ candidates in selected $\pt$ intervals for the centrality class 0--10\% and 30--50\%. Fitted values for the $\rm D^0$ meson mass $\mu$, width $\sigma$, and raw yield $S$ are also given, the fraction of $\rm D^0$ candidates in the measured raw yield is reported with its statistical and systematic uncertainties Top row: non-prompt $\rm D^0$ mesons with $1\pt2~\gev/c$ in the 0--10\% centrality class, before (left) and after (right) subtraction of the background fit function Bottom row: non-prompt $\rm D^0$ mesons with $1\pt2~\gev/c$ (left) and $7\pt8~\gev/c$ (right) in the 30--50\% centrality class.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper