Figure 14

Scope: PWG
PWG-JE (Jets)
13 TeV
Figure Image
Figure Caption

Comparison of self-normalised jet yields as a function of the self-normalised charged-particle multiplicity in four selected jet $\pt$ intervals ($5\leq p_{\rm T,jet}^{\rm ch} 7\ {\rm GeV}/c$, $9\leq p_{\rm T,jet}^{\rm ch} 12\ {\rm GeV}/c$, $30\leq p_{\rm T,jet}^{\rm ch} 50\ {\rm GeV}/c$, and $70\leq p_{\rm T,jet}^{\rm ch} 100\ {\rm GeV}/c$) for a given jet radii: a) $R = 0.3$, b) $R = 0.5$, c) $R = 0.7$ between data and PYTHIA8 predictions, with the charged-particle multiplicities provided in Ref.~. Statistical and systematic uncertainties are shown as vertical error bars and boxes around the data points, respectively. Results for other radii can be found in Appendix Fig.~\ref{fig:IntegralRatio_Pt0246}.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper