(Left panel) Ratios of transverse momentum spectra of \simplekstarch~in inelastic pp events at \sqrtS~=~8 and 13~TeV to corresponding spectra at 5.02~TeV. Statistical and systematic uncertainties are shown with error bars and empty boxes, respectively. The normalization uncertainties are shown as coloured boxes around 1 and they are not included in the point-to-point uncertainties. Blue and red histograms represent the predictions for the same ratios from PYTHIA6 Perugia 2011, PYTHIA8 Monash 2013, and EPOS-LHC (Right panel) Ratios of transverse momentum spectra of \simplekstarch, $\Kp +\Km$~and $\pionp + \pionm$~in inelastic pp events at \sqrtS~=~13~TeV~ to corresponding spectra at 5.02~TeV~. Statistical and systematic uncertainties are shown with error bars and empty boxes, respectively.
Figure extracted from paper