Figure 4

Scope: PWG
PWG-HF (Heavy Flavour)
13 TeV
Figure Image
Figure image (.eps)
Figure Caption

Near-side associated peak yields (top row) and widths (third row) measured in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$~=~13~TeV, for the four V0M multiplicity classes, shown with different marker styles. The ratios of yield (width) values in each V0M class with respect to those in the V0M class I are shown in the second (fourth) row. Results are presented as a function of the $\Dzero$-meson $\pt$, for $\ptass>$ 0.3~\GeVc and the sub-ranges 0.3 $\ptass$ 1~\GeVc, 1 $\ptass$ 2~\GeVc, and 2 $\ptass$ 3~\GeVc (from left to right). Statistical and systematic uncertainties are shown as vertical error bars and boxes, respectively.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper