Scope: PWG
PWG-HF (Heavy Flavour)
5.02 TeV
Figure Group
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Figure Caption
Transverse-momentum integrated production cross sections of the various charm meson~ and baryon~ species per unit of rapidity at midrapidity normalised to that of the \Dzero{} meson measured in pp collisions at $\s = 5.02~\TeV$. The measurements are compared with PYTHIA~8 calculations~ (left panel) and with results from a SHM~ (right panel) (see text for details). For \Jpsi the inclusive cross section was used. The $\Jpsi/\Dzero$ ratio, as well as the model calculations for the $\Omegac/\Dzero$ ratio, are multiplied by a factor 30 for visibility.
Detail description
Figure extracted from paper