Figure 1c

Scope: PWG
PWG-HF (Heavy Flavour)
5.02 TeV
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Figure Caption

Invariant mass distributions of \Lc candidates in different \pt intervals, collision systems, and decay channels, with the corresponding fit functions. Top-left: \LcpKpi for $3\pt4\,~\GeVc$ in pp collisions; top-right: \LcpKs for $8\pt12\,~\GeVc$ in pp collisions; bottom-left: \LcpKpi for $5\pt6\,~\GeVc$ in \pPb collisions; bottom-right: \LcpKs with BDT analysis in $12\pt24\,~\GeVc$ in \pPb collisions. The dashed lines represent the fit to the background and the solid lines represent the total fit function.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper