Figure 1

Scope: PWG
PWG-HF (Heavy Flavour)
5.02 TeV
Figure Image
Figure Caption

Simultaneous fits to the invariant-mass spectrum and $v_2$ ($M_{\rm{D}}$) of $\Dzero$ (left panel), $\Dplus$ (middle panel), and $\Dstar$ (right panel) meson candidates in the $3\pt4~\GeV/c$, $5\pt6~\GeV/c$, and $8\pt10~\GeV/c$ intervals, respectively, for the 30--50\% centrality class. The solid blue and the dotted red curves represent the total and the combinatorial-background fit functions, respectively. For the $\Dzero$ candidates, the green dashed curve represents the contribution of the reflected signal.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper