O-O Npart, Ncoll, TAA uncertainties

Scope: PWG
PWG-MM (Monte Carlo generators and Minimum Bias)
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Projected uncertainties of the TAA in O-O collisions at 6.37 TeV. 

Detail description

These uncertainties have been obtained by: 

  • Considering the O 3pF variations from H. De Vries, C. W. De Jager, and C. De Vries, Atom. Data Nucl. Data Tabl. 36, 495 (1987).
  • Considering a variation of the sigmaINEL at 6.37TeV (69-70-71 mb) 
  • Considering a 1% anchor point variation at 80% of the hadronic cross-section 

Note: they are meant for illustration purposes, as real data may contain effects that are not foreseen in this idealized calculation.