The flow magnitude decorrelation <v2(pTa)2 v22>/<v2(pTa)2><v22> with |\Delta\eta| > 0.0 in Pb-Pb collisions at \sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02 TeV
Keywords: Flow, Flow vector fluctuations, Flow angle fluctuations, pT-dependent flow vector fluctuations, Pb-Pb collisions, 5.02 TeV
Using 4-particle correlations it is possible to probe the flow magnitude fluctuations separated from the flow angle fluctuations. The two effects are both presents when probing flow vector fluctuations with 2-particle correlations such as with v2{2}/v[2]. Any deviation from the pt-integrated baseline indicates the presence of pt-dependent flow magnitude fluctuations
Data sample: LHC15o
Events cuts: kInt7 trigger, |Vz| < 10cm, V0M centrality estimator, Pileup cut,
Track cuts: Filterbit 96, No. of TPC cluster > 70, NUA weights, Reference pT [0.2,5.0], |eta| < 0.8