$p_{\mathrm{T}}$-integrated particle yield ratios $\mathrm{K^{*0}}$$/$K$^{-}$ and $\phi/$K$^{-}$ as a function of $\langle\mathrm{d}N_{\mathrm{ch}}/\mathrm{d}\eta\rangle^{1/3}$ measured at midrapidity in pp, p--Pb and Pb--Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}$ $=$ 5.02 TeV. Statistical uncertainties (bars) are shown together with total (hollow boxes) and charged-particle multiplicity-uncorrelated (shaded boxes) systematic uncertainties. Thermal model calculations with chemical freeze-out temperature $T_{\rm{ch}}$ $=$ 156 MeV for the most central Pb--Pb collisions are also shown. EPOS3 model predictions of $\mathrm{K^{*0}/K}$ and $\mathrm{\phi/K}$ ratios in Pb--Pb collisions are also shown as violet lines.
System: pp and Pb-Pb
Energy: 5.02 TeV
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