p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica; color: #000000}
Comparison between the elliptic flow of (anti-)$^{3}$He (blue circles) measured using the event-plane method and that of pions (red squares), kaons (black crosses) and protons (green diamonds) measured using the scalar product method in Pb--Pb collisions at $ p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica; color: #000000}
\ensuremath{\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}}\xspace$ = 5.02 TeV for the centrality classes 0--20$\%$ (left), 20--40$\%$ (middle) and 40--60$\%$ (right). Vertical bars and boxes represent the statistical and systematic uncertainties, respectively.
Comparison between the elliptic flow of (anti-)$^{3}$He (blue circles) measured using the event-plane method and that of pions (red squares), kaons (black crosses) and protons (green diamonds) measured using the scalar product method in Pb--Pb collisions at $
\ensuremath{\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}}\xspace$ = 5.02 TeV for the centrality classes 0--20$\%$ (left), 20--40$\%$ (middle) and 40--60$\%$ (right). Vertical bars and boxes represent the statistical and systematic uncertainties, respectively.