The detection efficiency and fake hit rate versus threshold obtained for non-irradiated ALPIDE sensor and irradiated ALPIDE sensor (2.7 Mrad) at Vbb=-3V using a 6 GeV/c pi^{-} beam. For both chips 10 noisy pixels were masked out.
Data were obtained for non-irradiated and irradiated ALPIDE sensors at Vbb=-3V using a 6 GeV/c pi^{-} beam at the Proton Synchrotron at CERN.
TID and NIEL are calculated from the proton flux ( Ekin = 30 MeV).
For 2.7 Mrad we had a total fluence of F= 1.14763e+13 protons cm^{-2}.
NIEL is calculated as NIEL = D*F where D is taken from https://rd50.web.cern.ch/rd50/NIEL/default.html
There one can find that for 30 MeV proton D/(95 MeV mb ) = 2.346.
This gives the total accumulated NIEL = 2.69e13 1_MeV_neq/cm^{-2} which we rounded to 2.7e13 1_MeV_neq/cm^{-2}.
TID is calculated from the formula TID [krad] = 1.60 E-8 * LET [MeV*cm^2/mg] * F[cm^-2].
where LET for 30 MeV protons in silicon is 1.476E-02 MeV*cm^2/mg (taken from SRIM).