Scope: PWG
PWG-LF (Light Flavour Spectra)
2.76 TeV
5.02 TeV
5.44 TeV
Figure Image

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Figure Caption
Kinetic freeze-out temperature as a function of the average transverse velocity for large collision systems in ALICE. The results are obtained by a global Blast-Wave fit to pions, kaons and protons transverse momentum spectra in the $p_{\rm T}$ ranges indicated in the figures. In the inset, a zoom for central and semicentral collisions is shown.
Detail description
Kinetic freeze-out temperature as a function of the average transverse velocity for large collision systems in ALICE. The results are obtained by a global Blast-Wave fit to pions, kaons and protons transverse momentum spectra in the $p_{\rm T}$ ranges indicated in the figure. In the inset, a zoom for central and semicentral collisions is shown.