p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Menlo; color: #000000; background-color: #cde7fa} span.s1 {font-variant-ligatures: no-common-ligatures}
Expected yield of light nuclei (d, 3^H, 3^He) in 0-10% central Pb-Pb collisions in Run 3+4 as a function of the integrated minimum bias luminosity. The vertical dashed line represents the target luminosity of 10/nb from the upgrade LoI.
Expected yield of light nuclei (d, 3^H, 3^He) in 0-10% central Pb-Pb collisions in Run 3+4 as a function of the integrated minimum bias luminosity. The vertical dashed line represents the target luminosity of 10/nb from the upgrade LoI.
The projections have been obtained according to the following recipe:
- expected yield are from thermal model predictions for T = 156 MeV. No error is given by the model.
- efficiency is taken as the same for Run2 (2015) data analysis, under the consideration that no substantial difference is observed on the ITS+TPC tracking with the upgraded ITS.
- efficiency is convoluted with a Blast-Wave parameterisation of the spectrum to extract the visible particle fraction in the given range (indicated in the legend for each species). For the Blast-Wave, the parameters are fixed to those from the π,K,p fit and the mass is each time assigned as that of a given species.