Xi/phi Ratio in Different Collision Systems

Scope: PWG
PWG-LF (Light Flavour Spectra)
13 TeV
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pT-integrated (Xi- + anti-Xi+)/phi ratio in pp collisions at 13 TeV in V0M multiplicity event classes, p-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV in V0A multiplicity event classes, and Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV in centrality classes.  Statistical uncertainties are represented by bars and total systematic uncertainties by open boxes.  Shaded boxes represent the component of the systematic uncertainty that is uncorrelated between multiplicity classes.  The p-Pb data are from Phys. Lett. B 758 389-401 (2016) and Eur. Phys. J. C 76 245 (2016).

Detail description
For pp 13 TeV:
Data sample: LHC15f, pass2, ESDs
AliPhysics Tag for ESD generation: v5-06-39-01
AliPhysics Tag for analysis: vAN-20170306-1
Event selection: Physics Selection, |vz|<10 cm, other standard event-selection cuts for PWG-LF 13-TeV analyses (see analysis note)
Track Cuts: standard ITS/TPC track cuts 2011 (see analysis note)
For Xi in Pb-Pb 5.02 TeV:
MC used: LHC16g1, LHC16g1(a,b,c), LHC16i1(a,b,c), LHC17a1(a,b,c)
LHC15o pass1
For phi in Pb-Pb 5.02 TeV:
Data Sample: LHC15o_highIR_pass1_pidfix, ESDs
Event Selection: Physics Selection, |vz|<10 cm, other standard event-selection cuts for Run-II Pb-Pb collisions (see analysis note)
Track Selection: Standard ITS/TPC track cuts 2011 (see analysis note)
PID Selection: TPC 2Sigma + TOF Veto 3Sigma
Keywords: particle ratio, Xi baryon, phi meson, resonances, multiplicity dependence