Scope: PWG
PWG-LF (Light Flavour Spectra)
5.02 TeV
Figure Image

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Figure Caption
Energy of the Proton-to-Pion and Kaon-to-Pion ratio as a function of transverse momentum.
The statistical and systematic uncertainties are shown as error bars and boxes around the data points, respectively.
The model prediction of the ratios are also shown
Detail description
Proton/Pion and Kaon/Pion ratio, measured in pp collisions at 5.02 TeV.
- Data sample LHC15n.
- Obtained from the combination of different analyses: ITS, TPC, TOF, HMPID, Kinks (For Kaons)
- The ratios of other energies are shown
- The pT reach of the ratio is limited due to the separate analysis of the low-interaction and the high interaction rate periods